"Our first attempt at today's Super Lien"
In 1991, Property Management of Andover sponsored the first attempt at creating the "Super Lien" legislation on Beacon Hill in Boston. The bill that would prioritize condominium and legal fees ahead of the mortgage holder's lien was well-received by the committee but ended there as the legislative year ended.
The following year, a bill was reintroduced which included "Super Lien" provisions, along with many other amendments to the existing condominium statute in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Chapter 183A, the Condominium Act)
The bill received widespread support and passed on the last day of the legislative year.
Twenty-one years later, millions of dollars have been collected on this priority lien basis ahead on mortgage holders and thousands of condominium communities have been saved from financial disaster as a result of Property Management of Andover's introduction of the "Super Lien" legislation.
We are proud of this lifetime achievement.
The origins of the "Super Lien"